Language of ZOM -- PSAKaDaS ZOMOD
The language of the World ZOMTAT (PSAKaDAS) is built on three-letter core structures which carry synchronicity. The Sacred Language of the Tower invokes the potency of the Crystal Veins of the World ZOMTAT. That potency is expressible through Trimancy, Divination by Threes -- ZAMaMSURYaT.
Within are three language listings:
[1] DYaT PSAKaDASOD - word part meanings
[2] ePSAD CADaTMaDOD SUROD - meanings of three letter words
[3] DaTaDaT PSAKaDASOD - Dictionary
Z = z / tz (ZADY<>OD); 0 (zero)
L = l; 1 D = d; 2
S = sh; 3 K = k; 4
C = ch; 5 H = h; 6
Y = y; 7 N = n; 8
T = t; 9 M = m, 10
B = b R = r
P = p
<> = aum, om a = ah
A = ay U = Uu
O = oh e = eh
E = ee i = ih
I = aye a> = aw
O> = oy O< = ow (past)
U> = uh (future) A< = ae
E> = ea >< = ou
N< = ng
For emphasis or poetic license, allowed alts: A/a and a/A - E/e and e/E - U/u and u/U
<> = ritualizer / sacred Z = universalizer
>< = indeterminizer e = pluralizer
A< = objectivizer A<P - object of verb YE> = connectivizer
i = that, it, he, she iD = they
E = this, it, he, she, the ED = they, the (pl)
O< = past TO<-- U> = future TU>--
I = you (formal) U = you/it impersonal O> = you (fam),
pl: --ID / --UD / --O>D
Y - command <>Y / Y<>-- - ritual command i, E a> KUPOD
a> = 1st person; self a>D = 1st person plural; us
Verb Structure
LAB - Do, act, work, make
OBLABI? Do you work?
><BLABU. It is done/made/worked.
LABa>. I do. I make. I work.
LABI. You do. etc.
LABO>. Thou doest.
LABYI. You must do
YOBLABI. You may do.
LAB<>U. It is done (sacred)
><BLAB<>YU. It must be done (sacred).
ZU / ZUD - honorific
* = Asterisk for personal names and titles of works
ROR-- = mid-- LYA-- = possible --
A<S-(pronoun) = possessive A<S-(p)T (pl)
><B-- = passivizer YOM-- = all of -- KN>< - indeterminate false/neg
Ne(verb) = negativizer ; NeP (before pl) KNe(verb) = falsifier KLE(verb) = re--
KaD(verb) = verifier N><(verb) = indeterminize ><Pe-- = indeterminate pl.
UR-- = suprelative PYOB--? = may (verb)?
TU>-- = future -- LAZ-- capacitizer; able
BO-- = other, alternate BOD-- = opposite
OB-- = (verb)? questionizer YOB-- = (verb) permissivizer (may do)
Se-- = some of -- aspect of -- SeP-- - pl SeBO-- = almost, nearly --like
POM-- = pre-- KUR-- = sur--
URUR-- = issimus KNe-- = falsifier
TO<-- = past, former Za>-- = self--
RaLYA-- = conditionalizer (if --)
--eR, --AT = nounizer --aM, --AM = verbizer
--AT = --thing --KORT = --chamber
--US = enlarger --aS = recipient
--AS = collectivizer --AB = potentizer
--COP / COP-- = similar to, like --like; --ly --OD = modifier
-- ROTLT -- = -- than -- --AD = cover
--TAT = place --iS = dimunizer
--eS = doer, possessor --OS = endearizer
--OT = thing --LaM = -- to be, have
--ES = derivative --YaT = -- organized
ZU / ZUD-- = honorific (before personal name or title)
* Asterisk may be used before and after names, titles, or literary work title
--R = number --RD = ordinal # --RLOT = adjective (single, double, triple...)
--RDZ = 1/x --RZ = 1/x0
--RZL = 1/x00 --RZLT = 1/000
--RZLTZ = 1/x0,000
--RZUR = x 10 --RZUZUR = x 100
--RSUZ = x 1,000 --RZSUZ = x 10,000
--RZUSUZ = x 100,000 --RZURSUZ = x 1,000,000
YaD = and ><D = or Y><D = but LARYaD = together
N><D = nor ><YaD = yet, however YE>N< = of, about
YE>S = as YE>B = in YE>BZ = into
YE>C = with YE>BC = within YE>BNeC = without
YE>M = from YE>Z = to YE>K = at
YE>T = through YE>D = on YE>N = for
YE>L = though YE>DC = along YE>ZD = toward
YE>RD = against YE>R = by YaST = over; above
TOB = inside YaSDOT = upon BODAT = between
BOBiD = beyond BOYaD = also TUPT = under; beneath
TAST = outside SeBOT = almost, nearly
KORB = around BOCT = among BeDOT = near
TO<TaT = before TU>TaT = after TU>D = then, until
BOTaT = during BOBOT = across YOB-- permitted, let
PA<B = who PA<T = what PA<D = where PYA< = why
PA<C = which; that PA<M = how PA<N = when, while
RAT = if RUT = because RODT = therefore, thus
RiT = that (which) ROTLT = than RAC - whether
Language of ZOM -- PSAKaDaS ZOMOD
The language of the World ZOMTAT (PSAKaDAS) is built on three-letter core structures which carry synchronicity. The Sacred Language of the Tower invokes the potency of the Crystal Veins of the World ZOMTAT. That potency is expressible through Trimancy, Divination by Threes -- ZAMaMSURYaT.
Within are three language listings:
[1] DYaT PSAKaDASOD - word part meanings
[2] ePSAD CADaTMaDOD SUROD - meanings of three letter words
[3] DaTaDaT PSAKaDASOD - Dictionary
Z = z / tz (ZADY<>OD); 0 (zero)
L = l; 1 D = d; 2
S = sh; 3 K = k; 4
C = ch; 5 H = h; 6
Y = y; 7 N = n; 8
T = t; 9 M = m, 10
B = b R = r
P = p
<> = aum, om a = ah
A = ay U = Uu
O = oh e = eh
E = ee i = ih
I = aye a> = aw
O> = oy O< = ow (past)
U> = uh (future) A< = ae
E> = ea >< = ou
N< = ng
For emphasis or poetic license, allowed alts: A/a and a/A - E/e and e/E - U/u and u/U
<> = ritualizer / sacred Z = universalizer
>< = indeterminizer e = pluralizer
A< = objectivizer A<P - object of verb YE> = connectivizer
i = that, it, he, she iD = they
E = this, it, he, she, the ED = they, the (pl)
O< = past TO<-- U> = future TU>--
I = you (formal) U = you/it impersonal O> = you (fam),
pl: --ID / --UD / --O>D
Y - command <>Y / Y<>-- - ritual command i, E a> KUPOD
a> = 1st person; self a>D = 1st person plural; us
Verb Structure
LAB - Do, act, work, make
OBLABI? Do you work?
><BLABU. It is done/made/worked.
LABa>. I do. I make. I work.
LABI. You do. etc.
LABO>. Thou doest.
LABYI. You must do
YOBLABI. You may do.
LAB<>U. It is done (sacred)
><BLAB<>YU. It must be done (sacred).
ZU / ZUD - honorific
* = Asterisk for personal names and titles of works
ROR-- = mid-- LYA-- = possible --
A<S-(pronoun) = possessive A<S-(p)T (pl)
><B-- = passivizer YOM-- = all of -- KN>< - indeterminate false/neg
Ne(verb) = negativizer ; NeP (before pl) KNe(verb) = falsifier KLE(verb) = re--
KaD(verb) = verifier N><(verb) = indeterminize ><Pe-- = indeterminate pl.
UR-- = suprelative PYOB--? = may (verb)?
TU>-- = future -- LAZ-- capacitizer; able
BO-- = other, alternate BOD-- = opposite
OB-- = (verb)? questionizer YOB-- = (verb) permissivizer (may do)
Se-- = some of -- aspect of -- SeP-- - pl SeBO-- = almost, nearly --like
POM-- = pre-- KUR-- = sur--
URUR-- = issimus KNe-- = falsifier
TO<-- = past, former Za>-- = self--
RaLYA-- = conditionalizer (if --)
--eR, --AT = nounizer --aM, --AM = verbizer
--AT = --thing --KORT = --chamber
--US = enlarger --aS = recipient
--AS = collectivizer --AB = potentizer
--COP / COP-- = similar to, like --like; --ly --OD = modifier
-- ROTLT -- = -- than -- --AD = cover
--TAT = place --iS = dimunizer
--eS = doer, possessor --OS = endearizer
--OT = thing --LaM = -- to be, have
--ES = derivative --YaT = -- organized
ZU / ZUD-- = honorific (before personal name or title)
* Asterisk may be used before and after names, titles, or literary work title
--R = number --RD = ordinal # --RLOT = adjective (single, double, triple...)
--RDZ = 1/x --RZ = 1/x0
--RZL = 1/x00 --RZLT = 1/000
--RZLTZ = 1/x0,000
--RZUR = x 10 --RZUZUR = x 100
--RSUZ = x 1,000 --RZSUZ = x 10,000
--RZUSUZ = x 100,000 --RZURSUZ = x 1,000,000
YaD = and ><D = or Y><D = but LARYaD = together
N><D = nor ><YaD = yet, however YE>N< = of, about
YE>S = as YE>B = in YE>BZ = into
YE>C = with YE>BC = within YE>BNeC = without
YE>M = from YE>Z = to YE>K = at
YE>T = through YE>D = on YE>N = for
YE>L = though YE>DC = along YE>ZD = toward
YE>RD = against YE>R = by YaST = over; above
TOB = inside YaSDOT = upon BODAT = between
BOBiD = beyond BOYaD = also TUPT = under; beneath
TAST = outside SeBOT = almost, nearly
KORB = around BOCT = among BeDOT = near
TO<TaT = before TU>TaT = after TU>D = then, until
BOTaT = during BOBOT = across YOB-- permitted, let
PA<B = who PA<T = what PA<D = where PYA< = why
PA<C = which; that PA<M = how PA<N = when, while
RAT = if RUT = because RODT = therefore, thus
RiT = that (which) ROTLT = than RAC - whether